Rialto Brigde on the Grand Canal, Venice

There has been a bridge on the site of the Rialto Bridge since the 12th century, but this current bridge was designed, somewhat controversially, by Antonio da Ponte. Michelangelo and Palladio were among others who submitted designs which were rejected as ‘too classical’ for its context. It was completed in 1591, and is one of the best known tourist attractions of Venice.

The bridge is always very busy, not only with tourists photographing the views of the Grand Canal but also with locals as it is a very handy crossing, especially for those wanting to visit the Rialto Market. It has lots of little shops selling souvenirs or jewellery, the fomer IMO quite tacky, and the latter rather heavy, ornate and expensive – when I was there a few years ago: the goods being sold might have changed by now.

Rialto Market is at the north-west of the bridge and comprises a fresh product market and a fish/seafood market (Pescheria)

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