Grazing Hippopotamus

A Hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius, grazing in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda, East Africa.

Although Hippos are vegetarian grazers, and generally seem very placid, they are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, particularly if you get between them and water – their escape route – when they are grazing onshore.

Once when I was staying at Lake Baringo Lodge in Kenya, an askari insisted on escorting me from the dining room to my cottage after dinner. I got into a panic, as I had no change to give as a tip (a rather frequent occurrence, which can be very awkward) and was assuring him that I was OK, I wouldn’t speak to any strangers, if the lighting went off I had a torch etc. But when I was safely at my door, he turned away without waiting to be tipped, so I realised he was doing his job, so I asked him, “What were you protecting me from?”

He replied, “Hippos”. There were several out of the water, grazing on the lawn surrounding the lodge).

This photo is copyright © Liz Leyden, all rights strictly as agreed in writing with the author or her agent.

My photo of a Hippo grazing is for sale as wall art or as various home or personal accessories at

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