Two European Honey Buzzards showing very different plumages, on migration over the Strait of Gibraltar.
Category: Spain

A group of White Storks flying through a Wind Farm whose turbines have been stopped.

A male Eurasian Sparrowhawk, soaring above the Sierra de la Plata, Andalucía, southern Spain.

A small group of Eurasian Spoonbills in flight above Marismas de Barbate, southern Spain.

An Egyptian Locust, aka Egyptian Grasshopper, on a fencepost, Andalucía, Spain.

A Short-toed Eagle soaring in a thermal getting the height to cross the Straits of Gibraltar.

Two Eurasian Griffon Vultures flying over eight others standing on the Sierra de la Plata ridge.

A flock of Greater Flamingos flying above the Marismas de Barbate, Andalucía, Spain.

A Blue Rock Thrush standing on a rock in the Sierra de la Plata, Spain.

A Short-toed Treecreeper on a pine tree in Pinar de la Breña, Andalucía, Spain.

A tiny Zitting Cisticola perching on a large thistle. Near Vejer, Andalucía, Spain.