On two days when I was on a Whale-watching trip out of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, I went on a boat trip to Bird Island, but also watching out for whales. The whale-watching was terrific, because luckily my trip co-incided with the ‘capelin run’, so there were many whales in the bay. It was also thrilling to see the seabird nesting colony on Bird Island.

The passengers were happily watching whales and birds, being pointed out by the captain, who didn’t mention the iceberg. So when we rounded a corner and saw the very tip, I didn’t realise it was an iceberg for a few minutes – we approached from the right of the photo, so at first it was only the very tip that we could see.
We were able to sail right round it, and photograph it from different angles. The following week, I went out on the same boat and sailed round it again. It had melted considerably as it was July, and there had been some sunshine in among the foggy Newfie ‘soft’ days, so the shape was completely different. These photos are from the second boat trip.
It was a big thrill to see the Iceberg and sail round it, as on several evenings I had stood looking out from Signal Hill to the north of St John’s, trying to convince myself that white ships on the distant horizon, in the sea lane which is also part of Iceberg Alley, were really icebergs!
This photo is copyright © Liz Leyden, all rights reserved.
It is for sale as wall art or as various home or personal accessories at Pixels.com, from where other versions are also available.
It is also available to purchase as a stock photo from GettyImages or iStock.
Other stock photos of the iceberg are also available from iStock.